Sunday, November 15, 2009

Myspace Marketing Techniques

Mail Menu: Each menu link will take you to its  specific location within this blog post.


à         Myspace Page Design

à         Put Your GDI Banner on  Your Myspace Page (HTML Tip)

à         Adding New Friends

à         Gathering IDs

à         Sending Messages

à         Leaving Comments

à         Blogging

à         Status/Mood Updates

à         Myspace Video

à         William Carroll’s Myspace Pages (Examples)

à         Myspace Friend Blaster (Program & Tips)


Many GDI affiliates are familiar with myspace and already have a personal account set up on the website.  You can recruit others into GDI and build your monthly residual income, doing what you may already be doing on myspace. 9,000 friends per month with 1 account.


Make friends that you can connect with based on your “personal interests” and share your GDI business with them via your own website. Your content is invaluable and the time you spend online communicating with others can be performed strategically, as to lead others to your website through your content (text, links, banners, blogs, audio, and videos) you publish on myspace.


I’ve introduced myself to others on myspace, through commenting blogs that I found interesting. I’ve made friends by adding people that I later had genuine conversations with through personal messages and chats.  As a result, some have signed up to GDI. With social networking visiualize friendship, and the time it takes to build trust and a following for your content. Don’t be discouraged if you only get 1 sign up in your first 2 weeks. It’s a gradual process that will be worth the reward. Just keep providing content and keep marketing yourself in the network – to no end.


Do not blast or send unsolicited messages that contain your GDI affiliate link, or any link, because it will be flagged as spam. Blasting your GDI affiliate link will cause the link to be inactive on myspace PERMENANTLY, and ALL GDI NETWORK AFFILIATES on myspace will suffer your error in doing so. and and have already been flagged.


I discovered that works on myspace, so please use this link wisely, according to the instructions of this tutorial only.



Myspace Page Design


Tip #1 Put a picture of yourself in your profile.


People like to see who it is they’re networking with, so find the best picture of yourself and upload it as your profile picture, so others will take you seriously.


Tip #2 Write a quick auto-biography in the “about me” section of your profile, and close our your about me talking about GDI or your website.


Write something personal as to give others an opportunity to know you as a person (ex: What do you do for a living; What do you do for fun? What are your dreams for the future? )


Then, close your “about me” section talking about GDI (Why did you choose to work a home based business? What is GDI? Why did you choose GDI? Where should others go to learn more about your business?)




My name is William. I love music and hope to inspire a positive community through my creativity. I’m currently a member of ASCAP publishing, d.b.a. Overpower Radio. Music is the most powerful of God’s gifts and in the wrong hands can really do more harm than good to a generation, so I believe in encouraging and endorsing MCs, Poets, and Singers who sing and rap about love, intellectual topics, or dramatic themes with morals that educate and enlighten society.


With so much financial stress it’s hard to follow ones dreams, but I’m doing it! One way that I chose to secure my income so I can have more time to create is by becoming an independent marketing affiliate of  GDI. GDI is dot ws on the web. It was the smartest decision one could ever make in getting a website, because it allows you to make money through multi-level marketing. I’d love to show you how you can secure a substantial residual income by getting your own website / domain name, so if you ever wanted to make money from home or needed a website for any reason at all, visit for more info. You can also contact me via email ( or contact me by phone at 870-776-9375. I’ll be happy to help you set up your own lucrative web account.


Anything else you’d like to know about me, just ask…


Finally, fill out the “Who I’d like to Meet” section and all the other general interests info (your favorite music, movies, and any other field) that will offer someone something to relate to about you.



Tip #3 Customize Your Profile


Myspace has made it very easy to cutomize your page from within the account.

1. Log into your myspace account

2. Put your mouse over the profile tab à a drop down menu will appear

3. Click “Customize Profile” and pick the best one that suits you.


For Advance Myspace Profile Designs: If you’d prefer to manually choose your own background pic, border styles, font colors and other page style preferences; See:  …they have a great myspace profile editor.



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Put Your GDI Banners On Your Myspace Page (HTML tip)


Due to the thousand of GDI affiliates who are frequently posting links to GDI on myspace, the html code for our GDI banners do not work on that site. When someone clicks the link, it will say, “this is a spam link or phishing site”.


However, there is a way to circumvent this;

  1. Change the web address in the html code of the banner to your  personal web address, if you are forwarding your address to your GDI affiliate page or talking about the opportunity on your website.
  2. Change the web address of the banner to - as this url has not been flagged for spam in myspace
  3. Change the web address of the banner to the web address of an ad, blog, or other web page that contains an accessible link to your GDI affiliate page - that (unlike myspace) isn’t prohibiting access.


Html Tip

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


HTML Formula To Post Image / Banner Links on the Web


<a href=“The-Complete-Web-Address”><img src=“The-Complete-Web-Address-Of-The-Image-or-Banner”></a>

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




<a href=“”><img src=“”></a>


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Notice that each web address begins with  http:// and is enclosed in quotation marks (“ “).



Tip: You could simply copy and paste the above “example” code and replace with your own website or affiliate link (ex:



Here’s The Web Address of GDI’s Images


The Red Car Banner:

The Black Banner:

The Green Banner:

The Got Money Bag (short) Banner:



...simply copy and paste the complete web address of your preferred banner, and use it within the html formula (above)


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Adding New Friends



Important Tip: When you’re ready to send friend requests, make sure your time delay feature is set to send a request every “7” to “8” seconds. Requests sent too rapidly can get your account deleted. This setting should permit you to send about 300 friend requests per hour. That’s about 9,000 per month, if you dedicate yourself to this on a daily basis.


Log into Friend Blaster Pro à Go to “options” à scroll down to “Time Delay” and input the settings to send between “0” minutes and “7” seconds – “0” minutes and “8” seconds.


As you’re logged into the program, select “Friend Requester



Set your friend request limit to 300 per day. This will help save you from getting deleted.



Ø       You should check the “show my full name in this friend request” box, because it’s professional.


Ø       Check “Send a short note along with each Friend Request”


Ø       Write something that will entice those you add to look at your page and add you.



Granted you’ve “Gather ID’s” to send to you can now click  and let the program do it’s thing.


Note: The free version will only allow 50 friend requests per day. The registered version allows unlimited friend requests.


If you only got an average of 2 1/2 people each month, you’d be doing great because you’d have your first 5 members in two months through these marketing efforts. By the way, I think you can do better than just 2 people per month with this level of dedication – sending 300 friend requests per day over a 2 month period.


This is a method that will be duplicable by those you invite from myspace.



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Gathering IDs:  To gather a list of random myspace friends to send a friend request to, send a message, comment their profile or other. You will need to gather their profile IDs first, so that the program will automate the action. When you log into friend blaster pro, it will start on the “Gather ID’s” tab.



Ø       Save on exit” - Check this box - Let’s say you gather 1,000 IDs, but sent to only 300 of those when you’re ready to exit the program. When you restart the program the remaining 700 IDs will be there for you.


Ø      Remove from list after sent” – Check this box - If for any reason you have to stop, and then restart the program again the program will pick-up where you left off, instead of starting from the first ID on your list all over again.  


Ø      Gather ID’s from All Pages” – select this option so that it will grab IDs from the current page, and automatically browse the following pages to collect IDs from in your search.



Ø      Full Gather” – Thoroughly Gathers IDs from a page. It’s a little longer, but suggested.

Ø       Go To:

o        Search Page – will go to the browse people page in myspace, where you can specify the users you’d like to browse by gender, location, ethnicity, income, and other descriptions. After you make you’re selection, click “update” on the myspace browser, before you begin to gather the ids.

o        Profile’s Friends – If you’re on a members profile, you can click this button and it will show you all of their friends, so you can gather their IDs

o        Profiles Comments – If you’re on a members page it will take you to their comment page, where you can gather all the IDs of those who have commented them.


Now you’re ready to click the “START” button to begin gathering ids.


Click here to go the main menu (at the top)



Sending Messages


The auto messenger is a good tool for starting a conversation. You can blast messages in to many and be straight forward about your intentions.




I’m a network marketer in GDI. GDI is the corporation that has been granted exclusive rights to all dot ws registries on the planet, and they’re offering a remarketable home-based business opportunity in a starter website/domain name package. They are official registrars and can host websites on almost all domains (.com, .net. .biz, and others). I’d like to show you how you can earn more than $4,000 per month (over time) with GDI  as an independent marketing affiliate, and make yourself financial secure without the corporate 9 to 5 hustle. Would you be interested in more information?


You should send at least 7 variations of your message, changing at least one word in the body of the message to make each message unique, using 7 different subject titles. (read below for further instructions).


Notice: There are no links in the message.


This technique is called “prospecting”. As you begin to get replies of people asking for more information, you can then reply back to them with your GDI affiliate link:


…so someone replies, “Yes! Please some more information. I’m interested!


I may reply..




I appreciate the show of enthusiam. Visit my website to see my  example of a GDI website. It’s been created with their templates and designs …and there are over 100 more designs that you can choose from than what you’ll see on my website. Examine my website, and click the link on my home page that says “This Website Was Created in GDI. Create your own….” You can’t miss it. Also, you should act now. Quick action leads to you achieving your income goals faster.


I advise building your website, so you can include your actual web address in your replies. However, you can lead them directly to your affiliate page, or include your website (as long as you have set it to forward to your GDI affiliate website.)



To Start Sending Messages:


Select “Auto Messenger” to send messages to your friends.





Check “Don’t send if I’ve already messaged this person before” – this does what it says, preventing you from accidentally pestering someone, cause them to mark you as spam.


Set the number of messages to send per day to 300, selecting “per day” in the drop down menu.


“Send from list” checked will send a list of messages that you will create, making each one slightly different to evade myspace’s detection that your account is using software.


Click the “Edit List” button (above) and you will be able to create your list. Create 7 different messages, even if they’re all “basically” the same message with the exception of one word.


The message can be alter by just one word or character, making it different.


Example: Today is a good day  vs. Today is a very good day


No two subjects should be exactly the same in your list.


No two  messgaes should be exactly the same.


…even if altered by “1” unique word or character.



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 Leaving Comments


Leaving comments is one of the greatest marketing activities in myspace. It exposes your profile and ad to your myspace friends, and their friends (who visit their profile). This increase your potential to brand yourself online and attract more leads to your GDI business.


Always send a “welcome to my network” or “thank you” comment for your new friends, with some (signature-like) words to encourage your new friend to check it out your website. BUILD ACTUAL RELATIONSHIPS, by continuing to send more than a “thank you” to their comments. Comment them with your latest blogs and media, comment them with links to new music you’ve found,  an article that intersts you, or a video, and signature your comment with your ad  (Your Business Name and Web Address. I post comments embedding videos I find on youtube.


Comment Example:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 This is probably gonna be the best laugh you’ve had all day. So many wanna be Beyonce.


Single Ladies Gone Wrong

Brought to You By:

Join Overpower Radio in GDI:


- - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tip: You should create 7 or more variations of the text – to make each comment unique (as described in “Sending Messages”).  Change one word in the text of each comment (as highlighted in yellow (above) – in the comment example) to make sure no 2 comments are exactly the same. However, you can display the same embedded video.


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Locate blogs on myspace that interest you. Take the time to find as many as you can.


There are two ways to locate blogs.


1. Manually browse member profiles and check to see who’s blogging

2. Go to and search keywords that may be in a blog that will interest you, and specify your google search to search myspace blogs only

§         Myspace Blog Urls are “”

§         Search your keywords followed by  Site:” and the website you want to search (no spaces).

o        Example: will restrict your search to just myspace blogs



Since I’m into music, I might want to see who’s blogging about Hip Hop on myspace.


My Google search box will look like this:



This works for other sites as well. You could search blogspot blogs by searching a keyword followed with “”, or wordpress by following with “”


Now that you’ve gotten your search results, click on the blogs that interests you and…


ü       Leave blog comments on those blogs and leave a signature at the end of your comments – post your website in your signature.              


Example:    Dj Will Power of


§         Commenting their blog may also attract new blog readers for you, should friends of the blogs you comment like your responses.

§         Commenting on blogs also has the potential to attract their blog readers to view your profile and request you as a friend.


ü       Subscribe to  those blogs you’ve commented on.

§         This helps to continue to relate with the blog owner on other topics that you may be interested in as well.

§         This can also lead to blog owners returning the favor of reading, commenting and subscribing to your blogs.



ü       You can send a personal message to a blog owner that you’ve commented to subscribe to your blog.


Encouraging others to subscribe to your blog, means that your subscribers will receive notifications every time you post new blogs. This will help your blog receive traffic and keep your friends engaged with you on myspace.


Remember, it’s all about building relationships. Building relationships will help others to take you and your businesses seriously.



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Status / Mood Updates



Myspace jumped on Facebook, and Twitter’s bandwagon and now offers micro blogging. Once you’re logged in, you can post status updates that all of your myspace friends will see. This micro blog function has a great potential for generating leads to your GDI website.


Use the status updates to promote your website and blog, where you’re advertising GDI.


Create the hottest update you can image with the passion of a newspaper editor brainstorming for tomorrow’s headline. This update can be about new hot music you just discovered, a youtube video, news articles, events, or something you’ve found interesting on another blog. Wherever you link your friends to, make sure there is a highly visible add for GDI.


Send status updates worthy of their attention, so they’ll pay attention even as you promote your business.



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Myspace Video


Myspace video has the same potential to increase your exposure as youtube. Upload some great media to share with your myspace friends, and create a leading frame that presents your GDI website/ad – just like a tv commercial – or like the 15 second sponsorships that you may have seen on MSN – except in our case we endorse GDI with our videos.


Promote this videos with your status updates, blog posts, auto commenter (with Myspace Friend Blaster), and by posting it on your profile at the bottom of your “about me” section or in your “who I’d like to meet” section of your myspace profile.


Example: Coming Soon!


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Myspace Pages I Manage


  1.; My Music Profile: You’ll notice my GDI endorsement on my music page.


  1.; My International Profile:  I use this to add friends abundantly around the nation to share my creativity and thoughts with a regular profile. Some myspacers have chosen to deny add requests from bands…..I can’t blame them with all the terrible music out there these days. However, this is how I circumvent that.


  1.;  My Local Profile: I use this profile to meet new friends and network with people within my area. As an artist I seek to collaborate with other artists within my reach, and in GDI I seek to network with people I can meet in person and personally help them build their GDI businesses.


  1.; A Local Seafood Franchise: I met with the owner at one of his establishments and offered to do some online promotions for his franchise for free to help drive customers to a particular location that was suffering. In Atlanta everybody knows and loves Yasins, so this profile has no problems attracting friends. How do I benefit from this? On the Yasins profile, I have a link to my website, and a GDI banner on this page, as well. AND this has generated leads to both my GDI business and others who I may collaborate with in the future in regards to musical endeavors.


Creating fan pages of the artists you like, MLM gurus you admire, and/or promoting local business may also help you to build your GDI business and build your personal contact list. Friends of the Yasins profile, who I’ve talked with, I’ve also added them to my other profiles to keep in touch with me, aside from my promotions for Yasins.



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Myspace Friend Blaster Pro:



The Free Version: Will allow you to send up to 50 friend requests, 50 comments, and 50 messages per day per account indefinitely.


There’s two registered versions:


1 Myspace Account: Will allow you to send an unlimited amount of friend requests, comments, and messages per day for only “1” account.


Unlimited Myspace Accounts: Will allow you to send an unlimited amount of friend requests, comments, and messages per day for an unlimited number of accounts.


Important Friend Blaster Tips


Timed Delay:

Log into Myspace Friend Blaster Pro à

Select Options (from the menu) à

Select “Time Delay à

and enter from “0” minutes and “7” seconds to “0” minutes and “8” seconds


Whenever you use any of the automated functions of the software, make sure you use the timed delay settings, and set it to at least a “7” to “8” second delay. Sending it any faster than this may get your account deleted. Myspace will usually send warnings first.


Edit List:


Click either tab for the “auto messenger” or “auto commenter” à

Locate the “edit list” button (near the bottom of the tab) à

Click it to open the window à

Click “add” to create a new message or comment  à

Enter your message and click “save” à

Create at least 7 variations of each message or 7 entirely different messages (I usually do 10 +). à

Make sure each message has a check box next to it – indicating it will be sent à

Click “close” – to close the window à

Click the “Send from list” checkbox located next to the button à


Finally, after you’ve gathered enough myspace friend id’s you can click send and the process will begin.


Do not send more than 300 messages/comments per day. That’s 300 total in any combination of messages and comments ….not 300 messages and 300 comments….as this may get your account deleted.


Note: You should change the messages and comments in your “edit list” at least once per week. I like to change my messages and comments  in my “edit list” about every 3 days or 900 sends. Eventually, repetitive messages begin to hit people’s junk mail….and we don’t want that.


I do put links in comments, but not in messages. Links in messages has gotten my links flagged as spam.


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IN CLOSING:  Use the information consistently so that it is most effective.


































Yours Truly,


William R. Carroll

Dj, Artist, Producer, and GDI Affiliate




P: 870-776-9375


Network with William Carroll at any of the following networks…

| GDI | Myspace | Facebook | Twitter | Soundclick | Blogspot | HomeBasedBusiness |



1 comment:

  1. Will,
    This is truely amazing information! I have never read anything as in depth as this is. This will help new Myspace users and Pros maxamize their Myspace accounts. I can not wait to pass this on to my team and get them working on this. You are really making earning an income for life easy by providing this information. Thank you so much!!!
